Best Dam Saturday
By Krysta Gunvalson
On Saturday, September 22nd, teammates Emma Notario, Marla Smith, and Kathy Tomlinson lined up for the start of the Reed 5K in Portland and the Best Dam Run in Estacada. All three runners sought to get the best out of themselves:
“I am committed to figuring out the 5k,” proclaimed Notario, who raced her first 5K on Saturday in over a year. “I managed to keep up with some High School XC boys for some of [the race] but they passed me during the last mile.”
Notario finished the Reed 5K in 23:38, placing 1st overall in the Masters Female division. “My time was not a PR,” she said, “but the first one is done and there are many more to come!”
Emma Notario in the Reed 5k
In Estacada, Marla Smith was chasing down goals, too. “I’ve been working hard at trying to get back into pre-baby shape,” said Smith. “I am almost 7 months postpartum and feel like I’m starting to get back to where I want to be.”
Smith went on to finish 5th overall female in 37:34, a new personal best.
Also racing The Best Dam Run was teammate Kathy Tomlinson who finished first in her age group in 46:01.