Land Acknowledgement
Rose City Track Club and its practices are based in the Greater Portland metropolitan area of Oregon. We would like to acknowledge the original inhabitants and traditional village sites of the land we run upon and occupy: the Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Tumwater, Watlala bands of the Chinook, the Tualatin Kalapuya, Wasco, Molalla and many Indigenous nations of the Willamette Valley and Columbia River Plateau.
We value their traditions, languages, and stories. We acknowledge their continued connection to this land, water, and community since time immemorial and pay our respects to these original stewards and their descendants of these lands. We also acknowledge the systemic policies of genocide, removal, relocation, and assimilation that have impacted – and continue to impact – Native communities today. We recognize we are able to run and move freely on this land because of the sacrifices forced upon its original inhabitants.
To learn more about the diverse and vibrant Native American community in Portland, please read Leading with Tradition, a document created by the Portland Indian Leaders Roundtable.