Callie Nitz on Rose City Track: “The community is unmatched”

What was your introduction to running?

I started running because I was given a choice by my dad when entering high school to help me make friends - Cross country or Marching band. (I ended up doing both) The cross-country team introduced me into a community that still reaches into my life as an adult. Like many, running offers me an opportunity to quiet my mind and ground my overly anxious self in my everyday life and scratches that competitive itch left over from a life of being a competitive equestrian show jumper… when I get brave enough to race.

How did you get connected with Rose City Track Club?

I was lucky enough when I moved to Portland to be reunited with my high school cross-country bestie Theresa, who was already a member of the team and she brought me to a few Friday dawn patrols and I was hooked and never looked back.

Tell us about your experience with the team.

My experience has been incredible, the community is unmatched. There is always someone there to cheer you on, offer advice or help run your workouts. This team has a huge hand in my successful first marathon last year and my excitement to run Houston in January to chase that BQ!

Can you share more about your background as an athlete?

As a coach’s kid my life has centered around athletics of all kinds. I did every junior league the high school my dad worked for offered. Basketball, and soccer took up most of my younger years, however my dad and brother did not share the hand-eye coordination genes with me and I was hopeless on the basketball court (and very short) and by the time I made it to junior high I was deep into equestrian sports and running. I regretfully chose not to run in college as I had decided to pursue equestrian sports as my fulltime future sport and what I was going to study in college.

How does training in Portland compare to other places you’ve lived?

Training in Portland has been an incredible experience. I have lived in 5 different states Portland offers so many opportunities. The community here, I feel like is one of a kind. From friendly fellow runners on the road in the mornings to large events like our Big Fun Long Run that brings multiple teams together. Plus the weather here is added bonus. I am so ready for the gorgeous fall runs!

What’s your post-run routine?

My post run routines really vary. Weekday runs happen before work so I shove breakfast in my face on the drive to work and try and stretch while at my desk. Weekend long runs, I make a big breakfast, try my best to roll and use my cheap knockoff compression recovery pants while watching College football or Premier league.

Any goals you want to share?

I am currently aiming for chasing down the elusive BQ at Houston 2023 and next summer, depending on if I can successfully not drown during the mile swim, I am hoping to move up to the Olympic distance in the Triathlon.

Tell us a something about yourself that your teammates would be surprised to know.

As for a surprising fact, I have a bachelors degree in Animal and Equine science and spent my college years working in Equine reproduction working on embryo transfer research and even got to help with some cloning research during my internship days.


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