Juliana DePietro: running helps me connect to my body, explore limits

What does running mean to you?

For so many years, running has provided me a chance to connect to myself. As both an intellectual and an anxious person, there’s always a lot going on in my brain – running helps me connect to my body, too. I run to explore my limits while exploring new places. Running is a source of joy and reflection and one of my most frequently used coping mechanisms. 

What do you think about while you’re running?

I usually process my day while I run, or use the time to unpack what’s going on in the world around me. My field and career require lots of emotional energy alongside problem-solving and systems-wide thinking, and running gives me space to process what I may have seen, heard, or been present for that weighs on my heart and mind. When I’m training for longer distances, sometimes I’ll use the hours spent running to try and solve seemingly intractable social or political issues in my head (even though duh, I cannot solve anything, especially alone). 

Most treasured running possession?

My racing flats from high school – they still fit, and I’ve used them in a few races as an adult! 

How did you get connected to RCTC?

I got connected to RCTC through Shasta Zielke when she and Liz founded the club in 2017. I was nervous about running and sharing running-related vulnerabilities with others, but Shasta assured me the team was intended to support folks at paces across the board. Joining RCTC in 2017 fundamentally shifted my approach to setting running goals and being bold with myself. I met so many incredible people who helped me push myself to PRs I couldn’t have dreamed of before. I am so grateful to be reconnected to the team now that I’m back in Portland.

Any goals you’d like to share?

I would love to run another marathon in 2022 or 2023. I’d also like to run a half I feel good about and generally maintain fitness that I am proud of outside of training for anything. 

What are you passionate about outside of running?

I am passionate about harm reduction and promoting dignity and health for people who use drugs and are homeless. I am also passionate about dismantling white supremacy and engaging in anti-racist systems change. I also love to backpack, spend time with my people (and my cat), and do crossword puzzles.


Shasta Zielke on co-founding RCTC, evolving as a runner


“Always forward; never effing quit” – Aaron Leopold discovers his love for running