Rachel Wysocki
Member since 2018
Hometown: Saratoga Springs, NY
Current city: Portland, OR
Occupation: Chiropractor/Sports Med
Instagram handle: @brosocki
Best running experience: My favorite run this year was a 10 mile out and back at Cape Lookout with two girlfriends. It had downpoured at our campsite the night before and cleared up just in time for the morning run, leaving huge shin deep puddles to plod through while we climbed up. There was no greater feeling than flying through the long winding downhill through the forest after earning it with a five mile mud climb. Views weren't bad, either!
Passions outside of running: I LOVE reading. If I'm not at work or running I'm usually reading in the park or on the porch of my favorite bar. I try to get through at least a book a month. Sci-fi/fantasy allll dayyyyy.
Favorite post-run meal: Bottle Rocket Bacon Burger: 5oz of delicious ground beef smothered in thick sliced ched tucked in with love under 2 thick slices of bacon and further embellished with fresh grilled onion, iceberg lettuce, and dill pickles that all dance under a sea of Sriracha mayo. All of that nonsense tucked into a toasted pub bun that somehow manages to be soft but crunchy all at the same time.